Time To Plant Those Pumpkin Seeds!

by Mari Robeson in

I received a call the other day from my Master Gardener neighbor, Marylou, that it's time to plant those pumpkin seeds! Every year I seem to be behind on this, but this year, thanks to Marylou, I will hopefully have pumpkins in time for Halloween! I'm going to do a little pre-carving on my pumpkins. To do this you'll want to wait until they are a few weeks old (the fuzz is gone) then carve your word or drawing into your pumpkin (only about 1/8")...it will bleed a little bit, but then it will heal and your image/word will be permanent. Remember lots of of sun (at least 6 hours a day) and water makes for a very happy pumpkin!pumpkins.jpgspooky.jpg