Happy December! Boy-Oh-Boy! This month kicked off with a bang! It's been so busy at the studio that I'm finally taking a moment to post a few updates. First of all, WOW! Thank you so much for the amazing support I've received from so many of you about my New Book, Charming & Pretty - The Art Of Home! It's been a little nerve racking putting my "baby" out into the world so my heart thanks you for all your kind words!! Last week I had two really fun events with a book signing in Camarillo at my friends gorgeous home boutique and then a super fun book launch party last Friday at Shell Beach Floral!
Photo By: Justin Stoner - Shell Beach Floral Book Signing
So what's next?? For those of you in the Santa Barbara area, I will be signing my books at the Santa Barbara Makers Boutique Dec 11th, 1:00-5:00pm. I will also have my 2017 Calendars, prints & stationary available! The event is held at the home of K-Nine Solutions and 10% of the sales will go to Train Me Home, a non-profit dog rescue program providing training and placement for hard case pups who have been in and out of shelters. Come help a puppy out and finish your holiday shopping!! 126 East Haley Street!
Also I will be signing books with our new shop partner Contessa S in downtown, San Luis Obispo on Saturday, Dec 17th from 1:00-3:00! Who knows I may even whip up a fun little design workshop to share with you too!
Thank you for popping by! Happiest of Holidays to you and yours! xoxo Mari